Prince Of Persia Warrior Within back with free from fighting system.

User Rating: 8.5 | Prince of Persia: Warrior Within PC
Prince Of Persia The Sands Of Time was really exotic looking game. But Prince Of Persia Warrior Within are much darker game. After Sands Of Time actions prince became much darker and he can do much things with his sword and other weapons. The combat called free from fighting system allows you manipulate monsters do attacks of walls and other crazy things. The prince is still acrobatic. But this time he have to face Dahaka the guardian of timeline which chases you and trying to kill you. The game have two end one is to face Dahaka to do that you need to get all life upgrades which is hided and you have to find them. And other to face Kaileena the empress of time she trying to kill you too. The graphics are good if you playing with good computer becouse the levels look great and the game have a lot great lighting effects. If you playing with not very good computer the game still loks good but dont have that great lighting effects. The sounds are good. The levels are made really clever and good. The game has different bosses and monsters. Some monsters are slow and not very clever others are really quick and strong. In middle of the game you trying to change your fate and not die so you fins the mystikal mask. The game action really great and it makes you keep going. The game looks good and its definatly fun to play.