Short, challenging and fun. Although it might seem mediocre at the beginning, it grows on you throughout the gameplay.

User Rating: 9 | Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones PC
I have to say I was pleasantly surprised with this game. The Sands of Time, in my opinion, was too easy while Warrior Within was too somber and didn't show any charming resemblance with the Persian mythology and music. The Two Thrones, however, is a fine combination of its predecessors.

The gameplay is fun and challenging with some new details and encompasses new inventions. Levels tend to be tricky, which makes the game more difficult, yet more attractive at the same time. Enemies, however, aren't really something groundbreaking. Besides levels' "big" bosses, there aren't too many types of enemies and the constant battles with the same types can get a bit tedious.

Music was excellent. It didn't overshadow the gameplay and was arranged rather simply, but in overall, it was done the right way. The intense music from Warrior Within isn't present, but the eerie feeling after hearing the sounds of hidden voices and melodies is still present.

I have to say that I was most fascinated by the Dark Prince idea. Some might call it barren and worn-out, but I think that playing as a Sand Wraith really boosted up the fun and difficulty, not even to mention the story! Plus, villain protagonist is way cooler than regular game heroes we meet. It's definitely worth playing, especially for those hard parts where you just have to try several options before figuring out how to solve the problem.