User Rating: 9 | Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones PS2
In comparison to how much warrior within improved upon sands of time, I was a little dissapointed with this one. This one focuses more on platforming and stealth than the previous game and isn't as dark. I'm ok with the platforming focus, but an incredibly subtle difference in combat made all the difference for it to not even be on the same playing field as warrior within. The enemies aren't harder and are most of the time fewer, but a couple small differences make combat hard. The first is rolling. In warrior within, your roll can dodge anything. In this one, you can roll and you MIGHT NOT get hit even if you timed it correctly. Another subtle difference is you can no longer strangle enemies. I understand that they didn't put it in because it isn't meant to be so dark, but I miss it. Finally, combat doesn't seem as smooth. Don't ask why, it just seems more choppy or something. The hard thing about stealth is it's hard to see from a distance what direction an enemy is facing.
As far as the health upgrades go, this game is a keep going game like god of war while warrior within was an open world. If you don't find something, you're screwed. Whether or not you find the upgrades is chance because most of the time what direction you have to go and the secret direction are indistinguishable, so when you realize you're going the wrong way from the secret you can no longer go back. The most irritating part is the epic puzzle factor. Puzzles can be solved if you can look at it and think or it's in a small room, but when you have to move a giant statue across a massive conveyor belt to correspond to a certain spot to turn and have it push back to exactly the right spot when you can't see the whole room at once is hard. One of newest aspects of this game is the Dark Prince. Although you look awesome, gameplay isn't actually much different. Yes you have a chain that link to things far away and it's a permenant secondary weapon, but the only really bad difference is the timed factor of the puzzles. The Dark Prince's only way to get health is with sand pick ups and his health constantly depletes. Timed puzzles are irritating. Anyway, on the whole( even though most of this thing has been negative) the game is overrall fun despite it's setbacks. 9 out of 10.