The great graphics, realistic SFX, and wonderful story pull together for one of the best games of '03.

User Rating: 9.2 | Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time XBOX
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time is one of the best overall games and easily the best multi-platform game of 2003. The graphics and lighting effects are top-notch, and is backed up by the extremely realistic sound. The platforming portion of the game is extremely addictive with the Prince's spectacular acrobatic moves, while the combat falls a little short. Although some acrobatic moves are available here too, the small amount of enemies and weapons make it not as thrilling, but it's still fine. Its very interesting how the story is told because it's like the Prince is telling you a story and you're playing the story he's telling. So like when you die he'll say "No, no, no, that's not what happened." and when you save he';; say "Okay, I'll start the story from here next time." It's neat. But, in the game you have an annoying partner named Farrah, who a lot of the time shoots you with her arrow instead of the bad guy!. Oh well, you can just hit her over the head a couple of times afterward. Also, you can unlock the original Prince of Persia game once you beat this one, and in the Xbox version you can unlock Prince of Persis 2. So since obviously this is a good game, and now as of 2-24-05 it is a Platinum Hit I think that you should go out and buy it right now. No seriously, why are you still reading this? Go. Now.