Rich in presentation, but tedious gameplay makes this game very forgettable.

User Rating: 7 | Prince of Persia PS3
Graphics are a unique blend of anime and traditional high polygon counts. The audio is nothing spectacular, but it does it's job well. Voice acting is fine but the characters accompanying animations for their voices are generic, and don't go along with what they are saying very well. The character animations during action sequences and gameplay are top notch though. The addition of Elika brought some concern before the game came out. But, she's actually a lot of fun and a great addition to the game.

Prince of Persia was always a healthy blend of 3D platformer, Hack N Slash, and mind bending puzzles were thrown in for good measure as well. In that formula we found our fair share of frustrations and voiced them. But overall, no one can say that the previous Prince of Persia games weren't fun. Unfortunately, we CAN say that for this one.

They have nearly done away with puzzles completely. In the whole game, I've encountered two. As far as action, you'll fight one enemy once in a while. It's always one enemy, and the fighting mechanics are bland making most combat a boring breeze to get through. The platforming part remains and this game does it VERY well. But, the level design destroys the fun of it all by making you back track to collect light seeds which are needed to advance to the next area. I personally felt the game could be completed within 5 hours if it wasn't necessary to run back and forth throughout the game.

Playing Prince of Persia was more about watching it in action then getting excited about the gameplay itself. Replay value is also non existent here. I would suggest a rental if you're curious. But, you definitely should not waste your money on buying. Not even at it's new price tag of $39.99.