A nice game if you want easy achievements and finish it in less than 24 hours.

User Rating: 8 | Prince of Persia X360
First things first, I wasn't so fond of the Prince of Persia back in the days that the Game Gear was one of those nifty consoles. It was awful as it was hard. Nowadays with the next gen consoles, my friend told me that this Prince of Persia was actually good and very easy to get achievements from. So I decided to give it a try.

He was right. It was surprisingly good for an Xbox 360 game. The really good part is controlling the guy by running around, wall-run, claw down the walls hanging on beams and so on. More interesingly is the lady by his side, the Princess Elika who seems to be able to use magic. Oh and save the Prince's backside from time to time should he fall, about to get killed, get dragged by some black, sludgy corruption or just being plain stupid.

Even better still is his inability to get killed, I'm actually fall down and splat. All thanks to Elika with her magics, her ability to drive out Ahriman's corruption and healing the land.

First impression was actually good, a nice cutscene here and there followed by some okay voice acting and good combat too. Much of the plot seems fair, being that the Prince has to help the princess seal away Ahriman by defeating his four stupid, annoying and yet "powerful" cohorts. Along the way he has to lead her the the fertile ground and heal them by the constant pressing of Y and see her in action in a very bad way.

Then there's that annoying light seed finding for each section of the areas you go through. 1001 in total. As for exploration, you needn't worry, there's the light compass that shines and guides you to you destination. Let's not forget the absolutely warm welcoming party of one dark minion that you see at every first visit to new territory. Which really gives as much immersive combat as going on a fist fight with an elderly man on a zimmer frame.

And to sum it all up, the combat combos are too much to note down and remember if you need to get the achievement. Dying the least times is also not easy. There's also that time attack of going from A to B within the time limit, which doesn't really show the timer.

And at every battle with Ahriman's favourite four little cohorts there's always the case where fighting them isn't all that easy. Top it off with the oh so wonderful quicktime button pressing that is just as brilliant as have broken shards of glass in your shoes. The personality of both the protagonists are at best as likeable as Sarah Palin and Gordon Brown meeting together at 10 Downing Street.

But despite all, its flaws, it was actually quite fun to do acrobatics and free running, something that's taken from Assassin's Creed's exmaple. It's definitely nice to be able to grab all that achievements as well have a game in front of you as a wash-off. Much like watching the so-called comedy "Scrubs" to cleanse you mind.

The story is good and I just wish they make a sequel to this.