Early title; demonic fun

User Rating: 8.1 | Primal PS2
Demonic fun? If that's even possible. Oops, Primal accomplished this task. You don the role of a punk-rock/demon hybrid named Jen. After being knocked unconscious, you are drug (literally) into Oblivion with four realms: Solum, Aquis, Aetha, and Volca. Each has it's own populus and it's own customs and architecture. Throughout each of these realms, Jen, along with her demonic partner in crime, Scree right the wrongs of each realm while throughout each allowing Jen to acquire a new demonic form to morph into. First off, the gameplay is stunning. When you first start the game, you don't really have any weapons other than a dagger. About half-way through the first level you are able to morph into your first demonic form; your Ferai form. As you travel between realms you'll acquire new demonic forms to transform into as you wreak havoc upon the hordes of enemies you'll face. The graphics are very good, which is surprising being an early title on the PS2. The colors are rich and the graphics crisp and clear. The voice acting is good, but could be improved. This is excellent overall. I would suggest it to anyone who is still playing on the PS2. (Not to mention it's an older title which means it's rather affordable.)