Is this game morphenomenal, or totally lame?

User Rating: 6.5 | Power Rangers: Super Legends - 15th Anniversary PC
So, Power Rangers: Super Legends has dropped, amongst the 15 year anniversary of the Power Rangers franchise. Here's the blow-by-blow of the game:

The Story: 7 out of 10. The story is basically an alternate reality version of Lord Zedd attacks the "Omega Ranger" (who is different from the Omega Ranger in SPD) in the future, and attempts to change the Ranger timeline, in order to eliminate the Ranger influence, once and for all. The Omega Ranger then has to pluck other Rangers, from various time-periods, in order to stop Lord Zedd's meddling. To be fair, the story is only ok. However it does get some good points for going to Ranger era's that are somewhat interesting (Morphin', SPD, Operation Overdrive).

The Sound: 4 out of 10. The music is fairly bland and uninspired. The sound effects are effective, but nothing special. The big problem with sound in this game comes with the voice acting. Mainly, they didn't get anyone from the actual show to lend their voice. Instead you get a bunch of voices that are very dissimilar to the actual character. Also, the people voicing the characters, voice multiple characters, who tend to sound alike to each other. Maybe they couldn't get the original actors from the earlier era's (Morphin', or Ninja Storm), but they have the Operation Overdrive rangers in the game, who are probably still under contract at Disney or something along those lines.

The Graphics: 6 out of 10. Since the game is essentially a 2D beat'em up, there's nothing really expected, and nothing is really delivered. The character models for the rangers themselves are pretty decent. But a majority of the boss characters look very weird (specifically Goldar). Plus, if you're going to go back to an older era, why not use monsters that were in that era? Like, using Putties in the Morphin' era, or something along those lines. Also, the Megazord artwork looks VERY strange, compared to how it looks in the show, or toys. To be fair, the Megazord battles themselves are about the worst thing this game has to offer, visually speaking.

The Gameplay: 6 out of 10, and 2 out of 10. Yes, two scores, but for a reason. There's the main gameplay (2D side-scrolling), and then this funky "Simon Says" mini-game, that are the Megazord battles. I'll start with the 2D though. The 2D portions are generally decent. The only real problems are, all the Rangers play the same, regardless of who they are. So, when you do get a Ranger select option, all that you're doing is changing the graphical model, and the specific strengths of the Ranger (more health, more attack power, weaker super-move, for example). The good things about the gameplay are, the levels are very long, and have a decent amount of hidden spots. Add to this a LOT of stuff being collected, along with specific level goals, gives this game a decent amount of replayability.

The Megazord missions themselves are just broken however. You have to rapidly press a direction to win the initial tug of war, then you have to keep the combo going of direction presses, while the sequence plays out. But, you're not controlling anything, just watching static sequences being done over and over (despite what might occur in the actual show)

Stability: I ran this on the PC, and hit a couple of bugs. The first was, in the 3rd level, I had to kill all the enemies to progress. However, an enemy glitched out, and became frozen. So, I couldn't kill him, and had to restart. Also, I couldn't make it past the first SPD level, due to the game crashing to the desktop, every single time.

Conclusion: 6.5 out of 10. The game is good for a trip down memory lane, but that's about it. The gameplay is medicore (at best), the graphics are serviceable (to downright ugly), the sound is atrocious, and the storyline would've been great, had the sound not been screwed up. This game seems like a quick cash-in on a fading franchise, and was probably done in the basement of some game company somewhere. If they had the time, and money to invest in this project, it would've turned out great, but sadly, they didn't.