
User Rating: 1 | Power Rangers: Super Legends - 15th Anniversary PS2
this game really sucks ass.number one where is the green ranger and n umber two where are the wepons like jasons power sword and damn it you should be able to be in humen from and the tranfrom into a ranger that way.i can go on and on about how bad this game is and disapointing im about it.and the muisc was very bad and who is this new ranger Helooo there is alrady an omaga ranger and for spd shadow ranger was good but they should have gotten jack hell i would have even taking sky.its broing it suck and its carp.being that is the 15than im very very upset It is Power Rangers 15th annaversry, and it got us a disapointing video game. The story is mediocore, the gameplay feels repetive because your playing as the same person no matter what ranger he or she is, there isnt the orginal Go Go Power Rangers music, all we get for music is genreic techno music. There is no real replay value, All you collect are letters to unlock another suit to the genreic repetive move set that everyone else has, and items from the shows. The only good things about it is that it`s power rangers and the megazord battles, but during the battles they yell out random stuff like ``RED RANGER GO!`` and ``IT`S MORPHIN` TIME!!`` But still the megazord battles are good.