With difficult challenges, fun co-op, hilarious dialogue, and an amazing story, you don't want to miss Portal 2.

User Rating: 10 | Portal 2 X360
Portal 2 is an amazing game. Stupendous.

The game play was awesome(of course). There are so many new challenges like the gels and the light bridges. They all add up to make an amazing experience that you don't want to miss out on. All these game modifiers like the excursion funnel can change an easy test room into an extremely difficult one. The difficulty is very good. Some levels are easy, but as you progress it gets very difficult. I myself had a rage quit or two.

The storyline was surprising spectacular. So many new things are revealed and new characters are introduced. You visit many levels of the Aperture Science Facility and it's almost like a blast from the past. The characters are what make this game funny. Wheatly is down-right hilarious! He is the first character you meet and he helped you along the way with some portal basics.

Co-op is extremely satisfying as well. The characters you play as for co-op are ATLAS and P-Body. Co-op mode can be really difficult, too. You and your friend can team up with two times the portals. That's right four portals! And nothing is more satisfying than dropping the bridge on your friend so he falls into a pit of acid! The characters you play as for co-op are ATLAS and P-Body. But if you do it by mistake you can hug it out with your robotic counterpart. Actually you can do a lot of things with your co-op partner. You can hug, hive-five, dance, and so much more. Co-op is very fun to play, as long as your with someone who knows what their doing.

Overall, I give Portal 2 a 10/10, only because that's as high as you can rate a game. The only problem I had with the game is the loading screens are a little frequent. The story mode is what really makes this game in my opinion. The ending is extremely satisfying and you will love it.