One of the best games ever made, but avoid the XBOX 360 version.

User Rating: 8 | Portal 2 X360
I have been anticipating this video game since I saw the first teaser trailer; Valve's marketing employees did their homework...And since I am a diehard fan of the Half-Life series (Portal is part of Half-Life) this was a must have for me!
I never wrote a game review before and this is the first time I do so because I was a little bit disappointed with the XBOX 360 version.
I haven't seen or played the PC or PS3 version, but I have to believe that these are better.
First off, Portal 2 continues with the amazing story and gameplay started in Portal 1. The gameplay is simply addicting and immersive, and the story is, simply put, one of the best in all the video games I have ever played. Single player took me about 8 hours to beat, so it's far longer than Portal 1. The Coop feature is surprisingly amazing, but better if you play with an actual friend rather than a random stranger on Xbox Live. So far, Portal 2 is the year according to me.

Graphically, the game disappoints. The textures look fuzzy and blurry and Portal 2 is one of those games in which you want to admire every single detail, but with its outdated graphics, the levels are hard to admire. The sad part is that the Portal 1 graphics for XBOX 360 from the Orange Box (2007) look MUCH better and sharper.

Also, Portal 2 lacks advanced maps/challenges. So the replay value of the single player portion is pretty low sadly. However, the humoristic dialogue is worth replaying the game for.

Overall, an amazing game but graphically very disappointing. If you have a good computer, you are better off with the PC version, since this one will have frequent updates, more online coop players and possibly, downloadable content such as advanced maps.
