The Good vs Bad when it comes down to Portal 2

User Rating: 9.5 | Portal 2 PS3
Portal 2 has been a game that I've wanted to play since Gabe Newell's rather shocking announcement for its release at E3 2010. I have never owned the first Portal, but upon renting and playing it I was amazed by its originality and it became a forgotten favorite over time. Now that the sequel has been released (and I actually own it this time), was it worth the buy? Did it live up to the great things the first Portal gave those who played it? If you want to find out, keep reading to find out the good vs bad when it comes down to Portal 2.

The Good:

+Graphics: As I've said before, I kinda forgotten about everything Portal 1 besides the characters and of course the fact that 'the cake is a lie', so I can't quite compare the graphics (or anything for that matter) in Portal 2 to its predecessor. What I can tell you is this; the graphics in this game are amazing. Correct me if I'm wrong, but in the first Portal I remember the game taking place inside for most of it, and the 'inside' looked pretty simple in a stunning kind of way. Now, there are quite a few different locations to explore and 'test' within.

+Sound: From the electronic music to the robotic and auto-tuned voice acting talents, Portal 2 offers quite a good response to how good the sounds in a game could (and should) be. There are hardly any random sounds with no explanation, the voice-acting is done well (with some of the most humorous lines I've heard in any game) and the games OST is one that I could actually see myself buying, mostly because electronic music happens to be one of my favorites.

+Gameplay: When I said I didn't remember everything about the first Portal, it was a bit of a lie. I do remember how long the game was, and I remember being a tad bit disappointed. As with the first Portal, I managed to play and beat Portal 2 in one sitting. However, unlike the first Portals 4 hour story, the story for Portal 2 took me 11 hours. Yes, I played Portal 2 for 11 hours straight (it would have been 12 but I took about an hour off for dinner and bathroom breaks). The puzzles in this game involve much more thought, there are a couple new mechanics and the addition of an amazing and quite addicting co-op mode, which can also be played via split-screen. There is also the ability to play with your friends on Steam, which is pretty cool because the connections between the two of you don't seem to suffer. Valve did a great job with that. Especially because I thought it would fail at first.

+ Replay Value: The first Portal didn't have much reply value unless you were going for achievements, but now it has much more replay value mostly because of the co-op feature. Being able to play with another person and experience the 'tests' in co-op in a different way each time is quite entertaining and fun to do, even when you have a partner who isn't so bright or have their thinking cap screwed on right.

The Bad:

- Personal: Though this game is great and has no flaws (from what I have seen and played) there is still the personal pet-peeve of many loading screens. Seeing as how there is a loading screen after just about every 'test', those who have even the slightest problem with loading screens will find themselves annoyed, but they will get use to it.

Overall, Portal 2 is a great game that gives you quite a bit for what you pay for. However, if you're the kind of person who melts down or can't quite solve difficult puzzles, you might want to steer clear. Portal 2 gets a 9.5 from me. For more of my reviews, look me up on,, and or just follow me on twitter /thatSTERLINkid.