One of the best I´ve played on the 360 ever. This is exactly what I want a game to be.

User Rating: 10 | Portal 2 X360
Now that I´ve finished the game I can firmly say it´s a 10. My first impression was "this game is awesome but I wish it had better graphics". After finishing it I changed my mind. I have played so many games with amazing graphics but so dumb. Portal 2 is what all games should be: addictive, entertaining, clever, it has action and it even makes you laugh. Amazing game. So original and fresh... even if you played the first one (actually you don´t actually need to play Portal 1 before). SO CLEVER. It´s a totally logical first person puzzle game and every room you get out you feel really satisfied. And the ending couldn´t be better! The graphics aren´t bad at all, it´s has nice scenarios and animations, but some textures could be better or a little more complex. Voice acting is perfect. The pace of the game is perfect. The co-op is also very good but a little short.