Portal is one of those techno-amazing games. Story matters with Valve a lot.

User Rating: 10 | Portal 2 PC
Portal was a game that reinvented gravity and dark humor. Portal 2 created new mechanics and extended the length of the game to liven the experience. In Portal 2, Chell is dragged back into Aperture Laboratories to fight for her life again. She finds a new companion with a recognizable voice, and his name is Wheatley. The voice acting in the whole game is great, and it truly feels like a first person experience. The portal gun is the best thing invented since sliced bread. More chambers and tests are available, as well as Easter eggs of Ratman and the turrets. You just have to find them. Portal 2 has recreated the word teamwork. As two robots, four portals are needed for puzzles. Even now with the Steam Workshop, the game has great replay value. The whole persona of Portal 2 is an experience I was glad for. Valve extended their hand to the player, and let them fall. As you play through the game Valve is sorry and picks you up and up and up. GLADOS will kill you? Is the cake a lie?