The first part of the Police Quest series is something that every die-hard adventure game fan should/must play.

User Rating: 7.7 | Police Quest: In Pursuit of the Death Angel PC
Police Quest: In Pursuit of the Death Angel.

Last time I played this game was in 1994 when I was a little kid. The reason why I love it so much is because it helped me learn English (not my native language). I remember running around the house with a dictionary, looking up words that I stumbled upon or needed to complete the game.Therefore if you're a parent living in a country other than USA, UK, Australia or Canada, and you'd like your child to learn English - I highly recommend this gem. All I remember from the story is :

You are Sonny Bonds, a good cop from the fictional city - Lytton - and you have to help capture a guy selling crack or something (I honestly don't remember much, if you want you can find more info about the game on google).

Graphics and sounds are - of course - outdated, but if you're into games for their gameplay and not looks, then there should be no problem here. I believe you can download this game as abandonware so don't worry 'bout spending too much cash.