Pokemon XD Rules!

User Rating: 9.6 | Pokemon XD: Yami no Kaze Dark Lugia GC
I tell you I played alot of Pokemon games in my time but none of them caught my attention as Pokemon XD Gale of Darkness. XD takes place five years after Colosseum where you have to round up all the Shadow Pokemon that are causing trouble throughout Orre. You start out as a young boy, (who you get to name) who happens to be a very gifted Pokemon Trainer. In the begining, you see Shadow Lugia, (XD001) being conntroled by an orgnazation called Cipher, stealing a giant cargo ship full of Pokemon. After that you in a battle with you using a Salamance to defeat a Meteagross. As you progress trough the story, you will catch alot of Pokemon as you go on a quest to defeat Cipher. Plus there are alot or Coloseums in this game. So, in my book, This would be the perfuct game for experinced Pokemon fans