This game beats the first in its series by a long shot, completly recommended to anyone still looking for NGC games.

User Rating: 9 | Pokemon XD: Yami no Kaze Dark Lugia GC
Pokemon XD differs from its first game, Pokemon Colosseum, by a long shot. It basically follows the same plot, trying to take down Cipher, but it is still good. You can even capture more than one shadow pokemon from the same trainer. There is even Lugia and the three legendary birds, Moltres, Zapdos, and Articuno. The Colosseums are still there and you can still fight in them. Now, you can capture wild pokemon in designated areas. You can even see two new pokemon: Munchlax and Bonsly. In the Realgem tower, there is a new minigame in which you try to get Bingo by catching pokemon, no not yours but the ones in the Bingo (you'll see what I mean if you decide to get the game). If you skip any shadow pokemon do not worry, an old enemy returns constantly with the shadow pokemon you missed. There is even a new way to purify pokemon, the Purification Chamber. You can also do it over at Agate Town. However, the Time Flute is not obtainable like in Pokemon Colsseum. The Purification Chamber also takes some time to make and get your pokemon ready to purify. You also need to be there in order to purify them. You can even get Cyndaquil, Totdile, and Chicoria for beating Mt. Battle. They each know their ultimate move, Blast Burn, Hydro Cannon, and Frenzy plant. You can get all three by beating the entire thing three times. Another good thing is that you can trade your acquired pokemon into the GBA games. That's convienent.