its pokemon to a T

User Rating: 8 | Pokemon Trading Card Game Online WEB

the cards all look good. its easy to learn. Lots of different pokemon to collect. You can get really everything you need without paying a penny. obviously comparisons are drawn to magic the gathering and while magic may have the upperhand with just much more gameplay breaking rules and crazy abilities this game has the novelty factor going for it.

I would like to see more rule bending applied to trainer cards and pokemon abilities. It can get repetitive but its always fun. Sometimes players will take forever so i wish there was a better turn timer as it shouldnt take that long to make a move. there should be more communication options like a "be right back" would be so helpful and its hard to see how its missed. Say for instance someone had to take a quick restroom break it would probably help the person on the other side and relieve stress of them waiting there unknowingly while the other person is afk.

its pretty much pokemon on a computer, what else is there to say honestly?