Sure its was great when I liked pokemon

User Rating: 8 | Pocket Monsters Stadium 2 (Japan) N64
When this game came out I was the biggest pokemon fan And I needed this game. I use to rent this game nearly every week. Then I got it for my birthday. I played It non-stop ( I think I wore the nintendo out). In this game you enter tourtements First you choose your pokemon you want to battle Then defete the other trainrs by battleing with your pokemon. There are different types of tourtements The first two cups are easy But then they get harder so choose your pokemon wisly. There is also a gym leader tower. Where you can battle gym leaders And earn badges. If you pass all the gyms you face the leite 4 ( they are hard ) This game is also a great multiy player you can battle each other or compete in a series of mini games which are quite fun. And if you have pokemon blue or red you can play the on your nintendo Its great. So if you are a pokemon fan this would be a great game for your collection. But if you dont pokemon stay away dont wastle your money.