its hard to say if its the game to get into the style of pokemon

User Rating: 8.5 | Pokemon Snap N64
alright it is review #9 some people may be surprised that i am still going i am a little late in the day again but really busy playing nba2k12 but anyways time to review pokemon snap

this is the kind of game where if you are a fan on what its about which for this game its pokemon and cameras like taking photos which is i guess a harmless way of getting them but it works extremely well as this is a game that any pokemon fan should definitely pick up since its just a game where the gameplay doesnt need to be explained it just needs to be played

the game has a very interesting atmosphere to it and its also very bright and colourful which is surprising for some people reason why is because games like perfect dark (spoiler *cough*)...anyways like i was saying its a shock since games like perfect dark and others were dark but luckily this game was one of a few games that were bright

in conclusion its great short little not worth much its one of those fan of the game rent it you find it cheap then buy it for me i am a fan of the original pokemon when there's only 151 of them so and i feel like most people and for them its good to try tomorrow will be of course perfect dark