Great game with good music and great storyline!

User Rating: 8 | Pokemon Fushigi no Dungeon: Yami no Tankentai DS
Pokemon mystery dungeon 2 is a great game featuring you a human who gets turned into a pokemon in a storm and who can't remember anytihng about their past. Through this game you learn more about your past and save the world. Although thats the main basis of the story you go through many different adventures but i won't into too many details because i'm here to review it.

Story Line

The storyline is can be really well done or confusing. It depends if you get confused very easily.
Like i said before the main storyline is that you a human turns into a pokemon and knows nothing about your past, through this you meet your partner who asks you to join an exploration team with him when you help him recover his treasure from team skull's arbok and koffing(I think) you gladly except which results in a series of adventures. Personally i think the storyline is great, it's interesting, pratical and confusing at the same time. I would rate it about 3 and 1/2 lucarios outa 5 only because well sometimes the storyline strays off the main topic and leaves some questions unanswered


Okay the graphics in pokemon mystery dungeon 2 are basically the same in the first one 2d graphics with fantastic color. I'm not really gonna say much except that the colors pratically suit everything most of the time. To make this short i rate the graphics 3 lucarios outta 5 because the graphics aren't great but pretty good for a ds game


Oh now were talking before i start i have to say the music is superb!!!!!!!!!!! It creates a variety of sound clustered together to form wonderful songs like have you heard the song when your facing Dialga it suites it really well. The only thing i really have against it is sometimes the music doesn't suit the area like Mystifying Forest or when you get a monster house (Please God not the monster house) so i have to rate this 4 Lucarios outta 5


Well the gameplay in this game isn't that hard to figure out once youv'e figured out how to fight, move and use items then your pretty much set for the whole game. Their is not much to say so i'll just cut the cheese i rate the gameplay 3 lucarios outta 5

Final decision and recommendations

In the end i quite enjoyed the game i found the difficulty just right and hard and annoying sometimes. In the end i rate it 8 lucarios outta 10 i would've rated it 6 outta 10 if it wasn't for the music. Personally i liked it but i would recommend it to you if like an easy or annoying play but i wouldn't recommend it to you if you aren't a big pokemon fan well because you probably wouldn't get half the stuff.

(c) Lucarioownz1 leader of team darkaurastorm and gamespot user