A remake of an awsome game, and now it's even more awsome!

User Rating: 10 | Pocket Monsters LeafGreen GBA
Into- Ah, Pokemon, a game that puts you in a world full of marvelous creatures. I remember it like it was yesterday, Pokemon Red version came out on the original gameboy. You journey though the region of Kanto, fighting battle after battle, catching wild pokemon, defeating Gym Leaders, beating the pokemon league, and then catching the rest of the pokemon! It was my personal favorite game for five years! Now it's back, this time on the gameboy advance, as Pokemon Leaf Green.

Gameplay- Turn-based strategy game. Kinda reminds you of Final Fantasy if you think about it. Makes since, actually, since Pokemon is a RPG. The game's the funnest when you're trying to decide if you want to use an attack that hurts the opposing pokemon, lowers it's stats, or use a potion to heal your Pokemon. A wrong decision could cost you the battle. OK, maybe not the battle, but it could cost you one of the six Pokemon that your carry in your party.

Graphics- Well, this is a GBA game, so the graphics won't look good to someone who only plays console games, but the graphics are top notch nevertheless. Unlike Pokemon Red, this game is in full color, making the Pokemon look for like they do in the tv show. Colors blend with the background during battles, even though it's always white. Something that caught my attention when I first played the game was the fact that the area under the opponent's feet was different depending on the area that the fight took place. This means that a battle in a forest won't look the same as a battle in a cave. Nintendo really put some detail into this game.

Sound- One word- awesome. The Pokemon make a battle cry when they enter the battlefield or faint. You can actually hear footsteps when you run. Most of the sound you'll be hearing is music, which is always a catchy little tune. The only true problem is the fact that the Pokemon that appeared in Pokemon Red have the same battle cry as they do in this game.

Conclusion- Pokemon has always had fun games, from first to last, beginning to end. If Nintendo keeps this up, Pokemon games will continue to come out. Leaf Green is an amazing game that reminds me greatly of Pokemon Red, but I still have one question- who ever heard of remaking a gameboy game?