I believe that this is the WORST game to grace the double screens.

User Rating: 1 | Pokemon Dash DS
To put a Pokemon game on the DS, Nintendo sacrificed the most important thing in a game: Quality. Basically, it involves stroking your stylus to move that sickening Pikachu to the Pokeball checkpoints in order while outracing your CPU opponents. Simple, isn't it? Well, that's exactly the problem. The computer is so stupid and the game is so easy that it eventually drives you nuts. And the stupid feature that allows you to play on Pokemon-sprite based courses is just as bad as the rest of the game. The only good point of the game is the graphics. I docked points off the sound because all it is is the "Pika pika!" that drives me insane. The game could have gotten a better review if Nintendo allowed you to play as different Pokemon *cough* Mudkip *cough* but instead they decided to make a feature that requires a lot of playing and a GBA Pokemon game to use. All in all, the game guiltlessly hangs itself in my Hall of Shame for horrible gameplay.