User-friendly, easy to learn controls make you feel like a Pokemon Art Master.

User Rating: 10 | Pokemon Art Academy 3DS

I am a fan of both Pokémon (who isn't) and Art Academy, and the fusion between the two couldn't have made me more excited.

For most people, the ability to create art is a coveted talent, yet endeavoring to learn the craft is a seemingly impossible task. Those brave enough to attempt it can be easily discouraged, however, if you're a fan of Pokémon, you know that one of the things that make Pokémon so lovable is their simple design. Because of this, they are actually pretty easy to draw, and despite their uncomplicated composition, when replicating them in drawings you can create impressive work. Pokémon Art Academy proves that learning to do this can be fun, easy, and very rewarding.

Final artwork from one of the main lessons. There are 40 lessons in total.
Final artwork from one of the main lessons. There are 40 lessons in total.

Right off the bat you're taken to, yes, the Pokémon Art Academy. After being introduced to Professor Andy, you start your journey to become a Pokémon card artist under his tutelage. While beginning your quest you're treated as if you've never drawn so much as a stick figure in your life, which is very encouraging to beginner artists. Not long after, you'll find yourself (especially if you're a novice artist) being surprised at the artwork you're able to create under the guidance of Professor Andy.

Not only is there the basic "story" that takes you across multiple lessons in gradually increasing difficulty, there is the free draw mode in which you can use the game's art software to draw whatever you'd like. You can even use the top screen to display a reference photo that either comes with the game, you take with the 3DS camera, or have saved to your SD card.

The best feature of this free-draw mode is the library of reference photos the game has to offer (some are also available via FREE DLC). What makes these photos special is that each one comes with a step-by-step guide on how to draw the Pokémon in a unique style (i.e. pastels, paint, etc.). Even after you finish all the lessons in the game, these reference photos provide nearly the same level of learning you get in the main story as you follow each step the reference photo has for you. Drawing from these reference photos is a great way to burn your newly acquired skills into your memory.

An example of a drawing from one of the reference photos following the accompanying step-by-step guide.
An example of a drawing from one of the reference photos following the accompanying step-by-step guide.

Even for non-Pokémon fans, Pokémon Art Academy teaches drawing techniques that overflow into any art medium you could possibly use, whether you're a digital artist or a conventional one. But of course, being a fan of Pokémon makes drawing them much easier due to the motivation such fandom brings.

I will mention that there is an absence of using multiple layers, such as in Paint Tool SAI or Photoshop, but this game teaches useful skills that will help artists not rely so much on using layers and help develop conventional art skills. If the software was any more advanced it would be cumbersome and defeat the purpose of developing simple, basic drawing ability.

Each main lesson teaches a new technique, and has a few optional mini lessons behind it that help you practice what you learned in the main lesson. This is an example of one of the mini lessons.
Each main lesson teaches a new technique, and has a few optional mini lessons behind it that help you practice what you learned in the main lesson. This is an example of one of the mini lessons.

There's no question Pokémon Art Academy gets pretty demanding on your newly christened art skills, but if the game didn't, wouldn't that be a disappointment? The fact Pokémon Art Academy starts at such a beginner level and "ends" ("ends" meaning the ending of the main lessons) at such an advanced level shows this game really is for everyone. You progress at your own pace and have plenty of tools to help you practice until you improve enough to move to the next lesson.

Pokémon Art Academy is an immersive, rewarding, learning and drawing experience, all with the Pokémon aura most gamers know and love. Because this game exceeded my already high expectations, I have no problem giving this game a 10/10.