It's a shame that no one talks about the Point Blank series that much now.

User Rating: 8 | Point Blank PS
Point Blank can be one wacky shoot em up game either you've played this on the PS1 or at the arcades. I don't remeber playing this game anywhere at all but alot of gamers and critics say that Point Blank can a little random for an Arcade First Person shooter.

Main story for the Main game which is a RPG type game which can only be played for 1 player. Dr Don and Dr Dan who are these two charcters who are finding this legendary gun called "GUNBALL". If they can find the GunBall they will be very rich, so they head to Point Blank island where they have to find the 5 pieces of Gunball and get off the island alive.

Gameplay: If you have a Lightgun or any sort of gun for your PS1 you can use to play Point Blank just like you would do if you were in the arcades. But if you don't have a gun for your PS1 you could always use your PS1 controller you can use the directional buttons to aim and pressing circle repeatly to fire.

The Main story sort have as an RPG element when facing random enemies during a battle you'll be loaded on to a random Challenge/stage and you just have to fire at the screen at the enemies you see on the screen if it's either birds, flying saucers or Cardboard people.

If you to take a break from the Main Story game you can play through Arcade mode and fire your way through random stages which can be easy to clear or go through the Challenging levels. You can aslo play with your friends as well up to 8 players if you have two PS1 multitaps plugged into your PS1 controller ports.

Graphics and Sound: There isn't much to talk about for Graphics, most of the stages are just random areas like a a jungle, a buliding full of terroists or saving a friend from a eurpiting volcano. Half of the stages will be the same but at a higher difficulty setting either on Arcade mode or playing through the Main Story. It does have a mix of Anime/Manga and RPG in the game so yes you might get a laugh out of this game.

There isn't much to talk about for Music it's mainly random and there isn't much voicing Dr Dan and Dr Don sort of sound like Chimps if you are shooting at them on your screen.

Overall: If you still own a PS1 it's worth checking out but make sure you have a PS1 gun or find one because it will be alot more fun to play but if you use your PS1 controller you'll still be able to get some fun of Point Blank. It's just shame that not many people talk about the series because a few people I know say that the series is worth playing but fans of the series are probably guessing why isn't a Point Blank on Next-Gen consoles like the Playstation 3.