And I thought I was going to hate this game...

User Rating: 7.4 | Pocketbike Racer X360
Yeah, we all thought the same thing when we saw the commercial for this- "WTF?" But then again, we probably all did the same thing- went out and got it anyway. On the way home, all I could think was "What did I just get myself into?" When I arrived at my house, I popped it in and prepared for the biggest surprise of my life.


From the controls to the racing, everything works fine. But that's where it ends. There's no groundbreaking special manuevers or unique touches, just acceleration, boost, weapon, slide, and taunt. The actual racing is OK, just nothing new. In all, the game just presents a generic racer without much distinction. The multiplayer, on the other hand, is sheer genius; not because of anything else added in, but because it's just fun to pretend to take this game ultra-seriously with another person.


Graphically, Pocketbike Racer is bland. There may be a giant tomato or llama in the background, but everything just seems normal. The sound (especially the pocketbikes) is surprisingly good, with the exception of the voice acting. The music, on the other hand is annoying after long periods of time, and ultimately will lead to putting your own music on.


Up until now, this game deserved a 5. What saved this game from such a fate was everything else about it. The sheer fun it is to play this game is the game in itself. When you really think about it, who wouldn't want to race pocketbikes with the King?


+- Fun to play, easy achievments, great FMV opening sequence, excellent multiplayer, create a character

-- Everything feels generic, no outstanding features, annoying soundtrack