Game breaking bugs and free to exploit. No refunds. Zero communication from publisher.

User Rating: 2 | Pocket Starships IOS

Beware before you spend any $:

This game has a lot of potential, but due to the fact that it's development is outsourced to a tiny 2 person dev team offshore it has a ton of problems that are beyond the control of the company that publishes it.

If you search around you'll find what the community calls "MegaBugs" which are bugs that can happen to any account that essential renders the account nearly unplayable. These have existed for 3-4 months and those players have been screwed. Support eventually stops updating their tickets and zero progress has been done towards fixing them. The players who experience these bugs have often paid for in-game currency and cannot even get a refund.

Theres also a huge exploit issue on-going (again for 6+ months) where they refuse to actually ban or punish the people who are using these exploits. Here is one example: you'll be fighting someone in PvP and right before you get the kill-shot in they'll just disappear only to come back 15 seconds later with full health to finish you off. Any resources you used fighting them are just wasted.

Resources can be build by using currency which you've purchased with your real money, so if you had sunk any $ into the game you're wasting your resources on exploiters. Again, you can try to ask for a refund but you will be denied. They claim they always look into the exploit reports, but if you look around you'll see that nobody ever has gotten banned for cheating.

Search the web and do your own research on this game before spending your hard earned cash on it. I wish someone would have warned me.