Play if willing to pay!

User Rating: 7.5 | PlayStation Home PS3
Home definitely is unique; nothing like this has been created like this before. So therefore a round of applause for SCEE for making something that's so different.

But Home fails to offer much enjoyment in this open-based community. The community is fantastic don't get me wrong, but not much can actually provide with an actual reason for playing. Ok, sure, you can customise where you live and your avatar, but at the cost of a price. Not everyone can afford to pay for what is on offer, and those that can, make the less able 'payers' to feel cheated and don't feel the need to play. Furthermore, what is on offer at a price, makes the free range of things look infinitesimal. A definite disappointment right there.

On the plus side, the system is under frequent updates to improve and to make it more convenient for everyone. The graphics are good, and the chance to design your own apartment does give the feeling of openness. Home is fulfilling its purpose for the community; to socialize and to cooperate in mini-games, which in my opinion is a definite plus due to the fact that many of these mini games are indeed fun, and the majority of people that use Home are nice people.

Overall, a pleasant game providing that you can afford to pay for a few things now and again. A good community with a satisfying supply of constant new things to try out and enjoy.

Thank you, and Happy Gaming! :)