Marketed as a Sims knockoff... delivered as a Sims knockoff... no surprise here, still fun

User Rating: 8 | Playboy: The Mansion PC
PB is just about as fun as the Sims, just like it looked on the back of the box. The pervs will be let down; "sex" scenes are dry humping infinitely on couches and pixelated boobs grow old quickly. But PB is better than the almighty Sims in one aspect, there's actually a goal to be achieved. While growing as an empire, you release better issues, meet bigger celebs, and get more skilled staff. The game is addictive, but as each mission involves talking to a group of people, then getting them to talk, and talking McTalkerson.... it can get old. Being able to put your own tunes from the pc to your in-game stereo does rock though. Nothing quite like having a lingerie party with government officials while rocking out to Disturbed and playing "just the tip" with the senator in a bush.

Worth buying for 25 bucks or so... or at least worth pirating off the internet.