Could be brilliant BUT this game is poor at best at the moment. Full of hackers, bugs and game imbalance.

User Rating: 2.5 | PlanetSide 2 PC
I have been playing Planetside 2 since Beta and was a veteran in the original Planetside.This game is poor at best at the moment! The game is full of hackers & cheaters which SOE are doing very little about. The game is very very unbalanced between the empires. Planetside 2 has a bugs list as long as your arm but they are not fixing them at the moment probably because the game is free to play but they encourage you to "BUY" weapons and gear so rather than fixing the game properly they are just concentrating on releasing new equipment each month to purchase which is again effecting the balance and are themselves full of bugs etc. To be honest the state of the game is a shambles which is a great shame as it could be brilliant. They have already had to merge some of the servers due to falling player numbers and players continue to stop playing the game as it is in such a mess and the Devs still fail to see why. In its current state I would say "Don't bother"