If you are into massive first-person-shooter battles this is your game.

User Rating: 8.5 | PlanetSide 2 PC
Plantside 2 was something I thought would never happen in years have hundreds of people running around in a massive all out battle fighting for a particular outpost

Gameplay: I found that the gameplay has been fleshed out pretty well you work as a team to gain resources by taking over facilities and with those resources you use them on vehicles, Max Suits and some particular supplies (e.g. grenades) but there is one particular resource you use to earn weapons and attachments which is called certifications you gain them by earning xp in ways to do that you can capture facilities, kill enemies and general support for your team.

The gunplay is fluid and class are done really well each have their own special abilities and tools to use on the battlefield for example the medic is able to heal allies while an engineer can repair vehicles ,depends ammo and deploy turrets. I found that the vehicles are amazing to use when you are in a tank they are powerful taking out ground troops and what makes this more greater is that you can customise how you want your vehicles to be effective against for example the your main gun can be effective against other tanks or anti-air but this does cost you certifications saying that the vehicles are not overpowered that you wont get annoyed from vehicles killing you constantly.

Graphics: For a free to play game they have really done quite well mine are low (mainly because of hardware) they are pretty decent and I have seen others on high and its just nice to look at with lighting, shading the day and night cycle is a nice touch but its nothing groundbreaking though that saying the game does have its bugs at some point people were not rendering in the distance therefore getting shot and not know where they but these are really just minor issues. Sometimes in massive battle there are some frame rate problems due to it being so packed but it really shouldn't the game overall

Sound: Each faction has their own theme song they are very unique from each other mine saying I thought Vanu sounded the weakest but hey that's just my opinion the guns sound very fluid and they all sound pretty different from each other and that is including each faction. The vehicles sounds and guns are great making you feel powerful. The game does a good job the when a facility is almost captured it plays music to push even further to defend or capture the base making you feel its up to your squad to take it or defend it.

Story: well is no real story its multiplayer

Other thoughts:

• I mainly thought gaining certifications was a bit to slow for my liking it takes way too long to earn a single gun they might want to speed it up or change the amount of certifications need to buy a particular weapon. It took me about over a week to earn a gun

• I did find this game really isn't a pay to win game I can take enemies down that are premium though they do have an edge over you having what they want unlocked already. For example some enemies' airships might have hellfire rockets while you have a machine gun

• It might be a bit overwhelming at first

• It's a lot more fun with friends without any friends its best to join random squads this game requires team work you can not take bases by yourself

• Though I did find a lack of the guns in the terms of how the look I was hoping they would have really unique looking guns

Overall: planetside 2 is a very good game for a free to play besides the bugs and griping about certification points it's a brilliant game I would have personally bought this if this wasn't free to play its worth to have a go if you're into epic battles, first person shooters or multiplayer games