The most immersive game i've played in years!

User Rating: 9.5 | PlanetSide 2 PC
Planetside 2 is simply one of the greatest gaming experiences i've ever had .i dropped BF3 cold turkey and couldn't go back after getting my hands on it. the sheer size of the maps the encounters and the battles will make blow your mind.

imagine a map hundreds of square kilometers where everyone single area has the potential to be a battleground; you see thats the thing about it, battle areas change even after 40 hours of gaming i still find my self most of the time in areas fighting where i have never fought before.

but most of all is the people you will meet in the game squad leaders, platoon leaders, and heads of factions all talking on microphones directing the battle strategically cutting off locations etc...

its fun its free download it and most importantly it absolutely defecates on any modern shooter I've played recently! :D