Planetside was awesome...Planetside 2 will be legendary!!!!

User Rating: 9 | PlanetSide 2 PC
Even thought one must have a good gaming PC, i5-2500 and a 660GTX at least to run perfectly. I still manage to get good enough FPS on my 4 year old i7-920 and 250gts SLi. I get 30-40-FPS in a very large battles( but still playable) and 60-80-FPS in a small battles. It is Free to play and lots of fun. There is nothing like it in the market....having 100s of players in one battle is just amazing to watch..and kill!!!!. The night scenes is one hell of a sight..bullets, explosions, tracers etc.

SOE have done a great job and they have listened to the players, game changes have happened in the Beta when certain suggestions where asked by the players... they listen to the community which is great. We all win!!!. Download!!! it is for free and its basically a AAA Game!!

As stated on Gamespot "PlanetSide 2 is an MMO FPS set in an online persistent world where the war wages non-stop and the balance of power shifts with every base and territory captured and lost." It´s a game completely different to COD or Battlefield but the play style is basically the same genre, so one will easily feel at home if you are into these type of FPS.