If you like RPGs and are not a graphics snob then you will enjoy this game

User Rating: 9 | Planescape: Torment PC
Basically, the story sells this game. The gameplay is really good--you have a party, so there are a lot of options...such as melee, magic and thieving. It's based on the Dungeons and Dragons (a.k.a. D&D) mechanics so it helps to be familiar with D&D, HOWEVER, it's simplified and the in-game tips are great so it's not necessary.

I would recommend that you approach this game with an open mind and most importantly BE PATIENT. The text is the beauty of this game...do NOT rush through it with a "kill monster, win game" mentality.

In spite of what some players say, I actually found the combat challenging. The good thing is that you can pause the game and manage your party's inventory during combat. This is really important! My biggest piece of advice is to carry A LOT of Blood Charms. They heal 18 health (hit?) points and are the cheapest healing item on a health point per cost basis.

If you die, then it isn't a big deal...however, I'm a perfectionist so I would rather reload and retry then die. Either way is ok.

Not much else to say...not many games are recognized as "classics" and although it will cost you the price of a new game to find Planescape on Ebay or Amazon, I would say "go for it" because odds are that someday this game will become unplayable on future systems.