Lightning in a bottle? Believe the hype!

User Rating: 10 | Planescape: Torment PC
Quickly after its initial release this incredible piece of interactive fiction developed a cult-popularity status, which it has managed to maintain and even managed to expand over the last eight years. For the sake of brevity I'll simply state that it's less of a role playing game than it is a work of literature, and if you find reading to be an enjoyable activity, this is the game for you. The game has length, polish, intrigue, immersion, and an emphasis on philosophy only seen in a fistful of games published to date. If you can actually get your hands on a copy of this game you'll find it was worth all of the work you had to put into locating it.

Planescape: Torment is a game with an interactive adventure that you'll carry with you into conversations and personal philosophies from its conclusion until your own. Buy it!

And it's only like $10 now! Snag it off of ebay, or try amazon, or bargain bins, or your friends, or other places I would probably not be allowed to list in a publicly posted review on a commercial video game review site! Just get it before it fades even further into obscurity...