just tedious / challenging enough without being too annoying. good soundtrack.

User Rating: 8.5 | PixelJunk Eden PS3
Definitely a good game with a few flaws. At first the jumping is a little tough but once you get a feel for it it's a lot more fun. For the most part it's climbing up and up and up to kill more bad guys in order to collect more pollen and fill up more flowers so you can go higher. Like any good game, there's a chance you'll mess up and fall to the bottom to have to work your way back up. The clocks feels pretty short at times so you have to make a conscious effort to pick up all the time pieces you can even when you're not desperately low. Kind of sucks that the time bonuses don't gravitate to your player like the other things you need to collect do. You can pick them up with the silk tether so it's not horrible. I don't mind replaying the levels to get the spectre, even though in order to get 4 for the level you have to recollect the first 3.