User Rating: 7 | Pirates of the Caribbean PC
This is a difficult game to review. It has a TON of bugs. Let's face it, it was released as an incomplete, untested game. That much is clear. But somehow, I still find myself addicted to it and coming back for more. The game is gorgeous, especially the 3rd person views at sea. The sea battles are also very entertaining. The sword battles are OK, but could have been better. This game could have been fantastic, but has major problems: 1) The interface sucks - some cross between console and PC. Get ready to use arrow keys and the spacebar, instead of the mouse. And the font is enormous! 2) As mentioned above, there are several bugs I've come across, and several more I've read about on other forums. There is the goods delivery bug, where a store owner will ask you to deliver goods to another island, and then once you get to that island, the quest can't be completed. This only happens sometimes, but when it happens it's annoying. I've also gotten locked inside a house on an island...I sat in there for a while waiting for something to happen, and then the game freezes. There's more, but I waste your time. 3) The game crashes often to desktop, stating there was an engine.exe error. So the message is: I do enjoy playing this game despite its problems. Although, if I knew what I know now, I would not have spent $50 on an unfinished game. Here's to hoping that they put out a very good patch for this one. And if you haven't bought this yet, I'd wait to see if the patch comes out, or the price drops to about $30.