This game still stands as one of the 2 or 3 best (if not the best) pirate games ever made. In my opinion, none are near

User Rating: 9 | Pirates of the Caribbean PC
OK here it is. I played this game quite a few years ago it seems.

At first it seemed like it was going to be just OK. I had never played pirate games before it, so it seemed just like any other adveture / role-play and I thought it would finish before I started getting into it.....was I wrong...

Well, it first introduced me into the whole pirate thing and then it introduced stuff that you can do on land. Therefore it combined ship sailing and fighting with unique pirate ages on land fighting and exploring. There is so much so explore and so much fun fighting.

After finishing it, I really liked it and would probably score it slightly better than I scored Overlord (I scored overlord at 8) - I would have probably given it 8.3.

However, bearing in mind that it has stood the test of time and in my opinion no game made after it came even near it I have to move it from Excellent to Brilliant, so I move it from 8 to 9 - 9 being the starting score for what I call Legendary Games.

I thought this was going to be just any old game, but when playing it is I realised it was much more than that. However, I thought future games would match it and it would be just another fun game with querky details and ideas.

Having played pirate games after it, I was disappointed at how abysmal game makers are at even trying to replicate this game. Very disappointing they've been and so I give this game a 9 and recommend it to everyone and another legendary game.

My marking system is as follows:

10 - Absolute Legend
9 - Must Be Played
8 - Excellent and Worth Your Time
7 - Worth playing if you have nothing else to play
6 - worh playing if you have nothing to play and are incredbly bored and have not got absolutely anything else to do. (Barely playable/enjoyable).

I don't give marks 1-5 as if a game starts sucking I don't finish it, so I only review the games that are barely playable (6) to the absolutely amazingly incredible ones (10).

I will also probably keep my reviews short as I don't like discovering too much about the gameplay. I only like to give my quick opinion and get on with life.

Best Wishes to everyone,

