Totally unrelated to the movies, but a decent stab at the genre.

User Rating: 7.7 | Pirates of the Caribbean PC
The Pirates of the Caribbean is a multi millionaire trilogy of pirate adventure and intense fighting. The games are complete opposite, many of the games have been trashed talked by games reviewers yet it is this game, unrelated to the movies seems like the best of the bunch.

The graphics, with a decent processor and graphics card, are amazing. The detail is superb but this is the PC we're on about, with every increasing graphical capabilities it is the PC that can easily compete with the next gen consoles and this game, despite being released a few years ago, is admirably well captured and the texture and details are mouth dropping gorgeous. But then there is the gameplay and this is where I think POTC is let down. Whilst the game is obviously meant to be an RPG most missions leave you guessing and with no structure of advice the game is rather difficult in places, fustrating the gamer (well me in this instance) and obviously harms what the game could achieve. The fighting is slow and rather difficult, it seems that you mostly go into fights as the underdog, if you have poor equipment you will lose a majority of fights.
There is the boat sections and whilst handling of the boat is patchy at places and rather boring, the fights are good and well constructed, usually setting up unforgettable moments and wonderful drama and suspense. The sound is ok but nothing flashy and the songs mostly fit the occasion. Whilst the game is rather difficult in my opinion, the storymode is not long and replayability is average, there is also no online or multiplayer which is disappointing.