I actually enjoyed this game, though I won't say it is without flaws.

User Rating: 8.3 | Pirates of the Caribbean PC
The ships are modeled beautifully, with folding and unfolding sails, and it's own crew walking around on deck. Cities and towers and land are great as well, though In my opinion there was too few. Characters were modeled great too. The graphics in general are wonderful (sharks and whales swimming around is really cool too), and the sound is great too. Unfortunantly, there are a few flaws with quests and I could never really get far in the story, so I can't really comment on that. As would be expected, you are the captain of a ship, and up to three others (up to four in all). There are 7 classes of ships, and some classes have different ships within, and some ships have differing stats, so there's plenty of ships to keep you entertained. Ship Battles are great fun, though very easy once you get the hang of it. You have four types of ammo to shoot enemies with, each with differing effects, though once again, when you get better there's no real need to use anything but the bombs since one volley of them will take down all but the best of ships (which require a second volley...). Overall fun, but easy. Ground combat has been said by many to be horrible, which I just don't understand. It's a bit simplistic, yes, but so are many other games that have recieved great compliments. Basically you can shoot a gun, block with your sword, and attack. It's not my favorite part of the game, but I still enjoyed it. Your character and his followers level up when quests are completed, as with just about all RPG's. You get 2 points to spend on attributes, and 1 skill point to choose one of the many skills in the game. Your followers get the same, though if one of they're stats are better than yours, your stat is replaced with theirs (while they are still in your employ). For money (which all pirates are after), you can trade, carry cargo for merchants, and escort people. Which brings up another one of Pirates of the Caribbean's flaws since it is unbalanced. Carrying cargo for merchants gets MUCH more money than anything else. Pirates of the Caribbean is fun if you're just looking to spend a little time upgrading ships and followers, then having a few battles, and then doing a few quests (if they work). If you want something beyond that, do not get this game as it will surely dissapoint you.