No doubt about it...

User Rating: 9 | Pirates of the Burning Sea PC
Unlike an orc or an elf, a pirate is actually a part of history. And, now you get to be one or you can be a Naval Officer from Europe. This game has it all I mean it's got Super-depth, Super-graphics(Im using a 2 year old computer and 256-mb video card and it's smooth as silk), fairly easy to play which means fairly easy to master(got to like that don't you). Plus this game is ADDICTIVE! You want to be the best pirate, whether it's in the 2 main game aspects. Ship combat and swashbuckling. IMO they both are fun as hell, and then you can pvp, which is intense as hell. It's all in fun though, if you find a player enemy and you can fight him why wouldn't you? I say anyone who likes to be surprised and has a imagination should play this game right now. I mean right right now!! ARRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!