this games a nice idea.but either not finished or not thought through.

User Rating: 5 | Pirates of the Burning Sea PC
PotBS has a ton of potential, for first 2 weeks i played it nearly non-stop, sea battles were fun, trying out the next new ship was fun, The storylines for the missions were really quite good,even if the avatar combat is rather lame. Now that i'm nearly at level cap, all the fun is pretty much over.
The "mobs" or ships you kills outside missions are incredibly easy to kill
u can kill level 50 ships easily at level 25..they never turn,try to run,change ammo, or try to board you. You shoot them,they shoot back you win..always
unless you disconnect or go afk. no chance of adds,or getting ganked because the battles are instanced. The pvp is a mixed bag, the port contention concept is pretty good idea, and works pretty good,the bad part of it is that the nations are hugely imbalanced and the climatic port battle
gives no rewrds to the players risking ships to participate,so weak nations have started to not show up. There is also no way to set a time for these big battles to take place. Imagine if u will if WoW servers sent out a message
to players to show up at black temple in 30 minutes to raid at 9 am on a tuesday morning. this is what PotBS does to you,and then add in the fact there is potential for substantial loss and zero reward to participate.
In open seas pvp you must be in a pvp zone or be flagged to participate,
if i see a person of my faction getting attacked by the enemy i cannot help him unless i am grouped with him..this is totally stupid as well. I'd hang around to see fixes but they charging a Cadilac price for a Kia