Aw, Gee, Here's My Money - Now Put Me To Sleep

User Rating: 2.5 | Pirates of the Burning Sea PC
Do Not Waste Your Donuts....An Insult !!!! I am actually ashamed to admit I bought this flotch....It has no redeeming value, it is so boring you would be wise to chose root canal therapy over being saddled with the task of enduring this nonsense. Unless, of course, you are a neo-sadist who enjoys wandering aimlessly through repetitive towns with the same basic characters saying the same thing ad-infinitum. ad-nausium. ad-hoc crapola. Want a silly ship you can't explore that looks the same as all the others and have a joyride meandering around a senseless map studded with brown mounds that are supposed to be Carribean Islands devoid of purpose - then look no further !! Eureka - we have found the Black Hole of Dumb....The Holy Grail of Pee In My Pocket and Tell Me It's Raining. Another example of slick marketing of material that should have been flushed during the first lavatory break.