Keep moving if you dont like lag

User Rating: 2.5 | Pirates of the Burning Sea PC
The thing that has made me quit playing Potbs after 2 weeks is lag. i got a pretty fast computer and high bandwith, but it still lags alot. Its almost impossible to have any big PvP attacks, because it lags to much.

The loading screens are a killer too. The game has to load every time you go to battle, out of battle, enter/exit a port, enter/exit a building. If you want to solo PvP this game aint for you, because group PvP is the only kind, where you have a decent chance not to sink and lose your ship.

You also have to have alot of time when playing this game, because that the map is big and it can take you 20mins getting to where you need to go if you are unlucky, on your way to your destination pirates may attack you, forcing you to go to battle and waste time there too. You cant log out when you are in the open sea.

Only thing i enjoyed were the ship combat and that there are 3 nations fighting against eachother and that the clans (societies) in a nation have to work together and plan what to do.