This ship has sunk.

User Rating: 6.5 | Pirates of the Burning Sea PC
This game had some great ideas.... some wonderful ideas. It seemed so very promising. So very fresh - to feel as if you were in these times. The times and life of a pirate, or other nations.

Where does this game fail? Well.... everywhere. Here is why:

Ship combat: Same thing, over... and over.... and over.... Sure, you get skills every 2 levels for your ship, but they contribute such a small amount to the game (pretty much you can not even get any ship skills and be fine from 1-50) that it just doesn't seem to matter what skills you take. It is fun at first. But just click to shoot... wait 10-15 seconds.... click again to shoot.... etc, etc, etc. It is so repetitive it is insane.

Character combat: Someone in another review said it nicely when saying "I've seen better combat in a 15 year old Nintendo game" and that about sums it up. The avatar combat is so horrible you will want to toss every single quest related to land combat... it will make you NEVER want to board unless you have to in order to survive. This is how a boarding fight goes (PVE and PVP). Run close to enemy captain. Tell your crew to focus fire on that person. Win. It's that simple, but what is even more painful is when it is just you, on land, fighting one mob. Sure, takes no longer than 10 seconds, but it is so horribly boring you might fall asleep before then.

Towns: Absolutely DISGUSTING. I feel insulted walking in these towns. Most of them are the exact same but with different NPC names. They aren't even nice to look at. The taverns are in place.... but what can ya do there? NOTHING. You can't sit in a chair, can't have a drink, can't start a fight, can't do ANYTHING.

The whole point of an MMO is to make you feel more in the world, but there is absolutely nothing in this game that will make you feel like that, especially when anything that can even be considered to not be garbage is the ship combat. Yeah, you can see your guy standing on the ship.. big fun... just isn't the same. I am the CHARACTER, NOT a BOAT.

The off-boat scenarios are so painfully horrible you will do whatever you can to never get off your ship. But even still... when the ship is the prime focus, you can't even have people on your ship. What the hell kinda crap is that? Even to just chill and explore your own ship. Not in the game. What kind of crap is this? The whole game revolves around your ship, but can't have anyone come on it or even explore. That's almost as bad as them not even letting you see the warehouse you have in the game. I got an idea... why not give the players houses. But you can only see one side of it from the outside, and cannot furnish it or anything. Just so you can say you have one.

This game fails on so many levels I get angry just talking about it.

To even think that an MMO in today's world is such garbage astounds me, it is as if they figured the idea of pirates will make the game good. It sucks, way too much to even be saved at this point in time.

So little people play this game, and barely no more will come, especially if trying the game out while playing another MMO.

15 bucks a month is ridiculous. It is so broken that if I still paid for it, I'd feel like I was paying monthly to participate in a beta to try and tell them how to make a game have some fun in it.

Stay away from this game. Forever. It will never ever compare to any other MMO out there that is still around.

Let's forget this game came into existence and let FLS and Sony give refunds and apology emails for this crap. To seriously think anyone enjoys this game.... I don't get it.