If You like to play a game that makes you use your head this one's for you!

User Rating: 8.5 | Pirates of the Burning Sea PC
I have not played any MMO's, but this one looked very fun. So I got it and started playing pre-board before I forked over the money play on the start of the game. I was a little discouraged at first because there is so much to learn, but I joined a guild right off the bat and they helped me out getting in the right direction! If you try and play without a guild if will be tough. When you start leveling and earning money, it's very rewarding, and through all the side missions you can make your money to buy the ships you want! For my first MMO I am glad I bought it! This isn't a game you can just get and play, it requires some work/skill and thinking!
There are many Guilds on the POTBS web site to choose from, you can be a Pirate/Brit/Spanish/French so you have alot of different ways to play, you can be a Naval Officer, Freetrader, privateer or pirate. you just need to pick your career. You can have more than one, so you can try them all but you have to spend a little time with each to get a ideal of how they work!