While innovative, this puzzle game falls short of acheiving greatness.

User Rating: 5.5 | Pipe Dream GB
While there have been great puzzle games in video game history, there's one paticular title that doesn't quite make the cut. That game is Bullet Proof Software and Lucasfilm's Pipe Dream.

Graphics-wise, the game is extremely bland. What you got here is a screen-sized grid where you place pipes and connect them to cover the distance in water. Occasionally, there will be a breif intermission where a plumber will quickly close the gap between the pipes before the water comes gushing out. This is also where you get your password to continue where you left off.

In the sound department, Pipe Dream is good, but lacking. You can hear pipes being placed on the grid and others exploding just to discard them. Also of note is the game's soundtrack. Although the game has only 4-5 tunes, they are very catchy. If you don't like what you're hearing, though, you can alway opt to turn the music off.

Regarding controlls, the game is not your typical puzzle game. You move the current piece of pipe onto the grid with the control pad, while you can place it with the A button. Also, the B button can destroy a unwanted pipe, but it's usually more effective to place pipe over each other until you get the pipe you desire. Finally, as a means to keeping the stages from dragging too long, you can press the Select button to speed up the flow of the water by tenfold. Be warned though--only do it if you're sure you got the distance needed to clear the stage.

In terms of gameplay, the game is fun. Depending on the difficulty level, you can see from one to five of your next pipe pieces to the left hand side of the screen, giving you plenty of room to plan your strategy with them. Also, there are a ton of different pipe pieces that the game gives you--from your typical straight pipe and curved pipe to a cross pipe that can be used to loop the water around for bonus points to the ever-annoying one-way pipe, which usually determine the outcome of the stage.

Overall, Pipe Dream is an innovative, yet very mediocre puzzle game for the Gameboy. While it is certainy not the everybody, fans of the genre will greatly enjoy it.