I had high hopes, well that went down the toilet

User Rating: 1.1 | Pimp My Ride PS2
i rented it just because, i loved the TV show, and thinking the game would be awesome, but the game is no where near close to the TVshow, your constently driving all over hell to do something, i played it for 20 mins, and was very dissapointed, i wanted to just burn the game, but it was a rental so i couldnt...i give this game a 1 out of 10, the music is ok, the graphics are to PS1, and everything else well nooo... if you love the show, dont rent the game, it is very boreing, dull,dissapointing,lame,stupid,ect....

i didnt really see the point of this game, i thought it was funny how bad it was, rent it, DONT BUY IT, its a waste of money, BUT for the limited time ONLY, if u bought the game u got one of the seasons of pimp my ride free with the game, that way, if the game sucks, toss it, and watch the show, lol, again, if you love the show you will be only dissapointed in the game