A nice mix of stealth and survival, but high difficulty and terrible graphics make this game missable.

User Rating: 6 | Pilot Down: Behind Enemy Lines PS2
I like stealth games that keep you in suspense like 'The Great Escape' or 'Prisoner of War (which is one of the games listed in the left column in this page)'. I also like games in which you need to help yourself survive like Lost Planet or STALKER. This game has many elements from these two categories. It makes it quite a good challenge and helps the experience become suspenseful and thrilling.

I like the "cutscenes" at the beginning of each mission in which the story is portrayed in a graphic-novel style before the action starts. It makes the game seem unique and exciting when you first start. It's just a pity that it does not quite reach it.

The graphics are perhaps the worst point here. The detail is so light that they could have released this on a playstation 1. You almost think that you are playing a game that is a cartoon portrayed in dark contrast and 3D style.

The gameplay is good, but it gets really, really hard throughout. We all like a good challenge, but the combat is difficult and it is not always easy to find your way through without getting spotted. I mean, its not really that hard to get through, but it is difficult to get through in several ways. The stealth itself is hard, but that would not be so bad if it weren't so necessary.

So on the whole, the gameplay in this game is great, but the poor graphics and hard difficulty is enough to make you return this game to the store and get something else.