Really still worth playing!!

User Rating: 8.5 | Philosoma PS
This Game was my first game on the Playstaton 1 .And what an expierence i had with this.It was like watching a movie a interacting with it ,the Cutscenes are amazing for the time they came out.What i loved about this game was the story with an amazing intro,the diferent camera angles chaning constantly,you could shoot from the sidescrooler view ,changing to behind the ship,over the ship,the camera placed in front of the ship so enemy,s would attack from behind,even under the ship was a view,and the cool thing was that everytime the camera would change you would see another cutscene.For a huge Star Wars fan like me this was heaven.The only bad thing is that the game is not very long.You could easy beat the game in less than an hour ,but hey.Its a Shooter not a story like GTA or MGS.If you get a chance to play this game and are not afraid of first gen consoles ,this is a very good game!!!!!